Beaver Chapter
Portland Oregon
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About us

Beaver Chapter Founding, and Portland Swap Meet

The Beaver Chapter, reported by Founding Member Art Pugsley, began when he and his Oregon State University buddy Russ Smith graduated and returned home continuing to work on Model A Fords. They applied for a charter from MAFCA in 1961 and were told that another group in the area had applied but neither had the necessary 6 members to be granted a charter. They banded together, some from Vancouver, Washington area, and some from the Portland area, applied and were granted a charter in 1961. Meetings were held in homes. The Club has successfully continued and in 2021 celebrated it's 60th year.
The Beaver Chapter began a Swap Meet in 1965, joining with other car clubs, and held them at various old warehouses. In 1970 the Swap Meet was moved to the present location at the EXPO Center Delta Park.
The Beaver Chapter is one of six car clubs in the Portland area that hosts The Portland Swap Meet at the Multnomah County EXPO Center Delta Park. It is held the first weekend in April. The event is staffed by all volunteers from each car club. It is important that our Members volunteer for duty at the swap meet, (minimum of three hours annually), as this is the sole event to fund our Chapter.